Welcome to St. Paul’s! We’re glad you’ve decided to visit. Visiting a new church can be both intimidating and stressful, as there are a lot of unknowns when you walk in the door. Below are some things you can expect, and not expect when visiting St. Paul’s.
How should I dress?
Please dress as you wish. There is no expectation of dress attire during our services. You will see a range from casual to dressed up. Come in what makes you comfortable.
How long are the services?
A typical Episcopal service will last approximately one hour, give or take a few minutes.
Where should I park?
St. Paul’s has parking lots off of both SE Green Street and SE Grand Avenue. Handicapped parking is available in the lot off of SE Grand.
Will I be singled out as a visitor?
You will not be singled out as a visitor at St. Paul’s. We simply want you to be our guest. After your visit, if you want us to contact you, we have a communication card that you can fill out with your contact information. You’re welcome to visit us for as long as you want and never turn in anything. However, Fr. Tim or Fr. Steve might like to speak to you for a moment after the service.
Do I need to make an offering?
St. Paul’s would never expect visitors to make an offering. However, if you feel compelled to donate, $5-$10 is more than sufficient.
Is it okay if I don’t have a bible?
That is not a problem. All of our bible readings are printed out in a program. We do use the Book of Common Prayer during the service, and there is one available in all the pews/chairs.
I notice you have two services. Is there a difference?
Our 8:00 am and 10:00 am services are basically the same with a few slight differences: the same with the exception of music. There is no music at our 8:00 am service.
When does your church have communion?
The Episcopal celebrates communion every Sunday.
Should I participate in communion?
All baptized Christians are welcome to take communion, although you should not feel obligated to do so.
I don’t know how Episcopalians worship. How will I know what to do?
Episcopalians like to stand, sit and kneel throughout the service. As a matter of fact, if you’ve ever been to a Catholic service, you will notice they are very similar. If you’re unsure what to do, follow everyone else’s lead and you’ll be fine!
How do I become a member of St. Paul’s?
There are three avenues for membership at St. Paul’s:
– Transfer of membership, if you belong to another Episcopal Church.
– Being received or confirmed into the Episcopal Church, if you belong to another Christian denomination.
– Baptism followed by confirmation at St. Paul’s.
Is real wine served at communion?
Yes, real wine is used during communion. If you choose to partake in communion, you may drink from the cup, dip your wafer in the cup, or not drink at all. That choice is up to you.
Who do I contact if I want to know more?
We would love to answer any questions that you may have about St. Paul’s! Feel free to contact Fr. Tim at rector@stpaulsls.org, Fr. Steve at associaterector@stpaulsls.org, or submit your question(s) via the Contact Us page.